Useful Resources

Canada Revenue Agency

Customer Service : 1 800 959-7383

Service to businesses : 1 800 959-7775

Canada Child Allowance or GST Credit : 1 800 387-1194

Negotiate a payment agreement : 1 866 256-1147 or 1 888 863-8661

Automated service to check your account balance : 1 866 474-8272

Automated service to verify your TFSA/RRSP contributions : 1 800 267-6999

Did you know that you can find out the estimated wait time for your calls to the CRA? On the CRA website, in the "Step 2" section, you will find this information under the telephone number corresponding to the reason for your call.

Revenu Québec

Customer Service : 514 873-6909 or 1 800 267-6299

Payment agreement :

  • Without a collection notice : 1 800 267-6299
  • If you have received a collection notice, the phone number to use is on that notice

Other federal agencies

Old Age Security : 1 800 277-9915

Employment Insurance : 1 800 808-6352

Other provincial agencies

Family allowance : 514 864-3873 or 1 800 667-9625

Quebec Pension Plans : 514 873-2433 or 1 800 463-5185

RAMQ : 514 864-3411 or 1 800 561-9749

QPIP : 1 888 610-7727

Housing allowance : 514 940-1481 or 1 855 291-6467