Our Approach

Our aim is to optimize returns for both individuals and small, unincorporated businesses. We can help you optimize your file so that you receive every dollar you are entitled to.

Our Expertise

  • Preparation of personal tax returns.
    • Includes necessary follow-up with Federal and Provincial governments.
  • Tax return optimization for split-family incomes
    • Total discretion, tact, and understanding while ensuring each parent gets the most out of their return.
  • Introduction and assistance in claiming disability credit applications.
  • Preparation of RL-31 slips (for landlords).
  • Preparation of Old Age Security pension forms and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) forms.
  • New construction tax refund applications.

Looking to optimize your tax return?

Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have about our services or your financial situation. We look forward to hearing from you.
